4-H Day
One of the first big events of the year is County 4-H Day. This is an opportunity for all Sedgwick County 4-H members to share their speaking skills, knowledge, talents, and creativity before a larger audience.
Any Sedgwick County 4-H member can participate in as many categories as they choose. There is no pre-requisite or qualifying competition required.
4-H Day will be held February 8, 2025. Location of event is: Stone Creek Elementary School, 3012 Triple Creek Dr., Derby, KS. 67037
Google Map link for Stone Creek Elementary, Derby, KS
For more details:
Entry Registration links:
Junior Division Entries (ages 7-9)
Intermediate Division Entries (ages 10-13)
Senior Division Entries (ages 14 and older)
YouTube Videos:
Club Day Demonstration: https://youtu.be/460PGxZ5-3c
Project Talk Example: https://youtu.be/ckxYeI432PQ
Public Speaking Example: https://youtu.be/eXHAl5numSU
Demonstration Example: https://youtu.be/eM9fYqAFW4k
Demonstration Example:https://youtu.be/JYnlYfK-tNg
To access our 4-H channel go towww.youtube.com/sedgwickcounty4H
Communications Fact Sheets
Kansas 4-H Presentation Overview
Effective Presentation Tips
Preparing and Using Visual Aids
Presentation Brainstorming Activity
Demonstration or Illustrated Talk Outline Planning Form
4-H Demonstrations
4-H Illustrated Talks
4-H Project Talks
4-H Public Speaking
Important Links
Contact Information
Have Questions? Contact:
Sedgwick County
4-H Youth Development
7001 W. 21st St. North
Wichita, KS 67205-1759
(316) 660-0115