
The parent-child relationship affects us more profoundly than any other relationship of our lives. It is the foundation of all of our relationships and the source of our earliest consciousness about love, intimacy, trust and security. It can nourish us to wholeness and self-assurance, or scar us for life.

Children and adults with secure and satisfying family relationships experience greater emotional security and physical health. The skills and knowledge needed for healthy, functioning families are:

  • knowledge of typical human development
  • strong communication skills
  • good decision-making skills
  • positive self-esteem
  • healthy interpersonal relationships

Programs We Offer:

Better Brains for Babies

Better Brains for Babies is a research-based, interactive parenting education curriculum (Spanish and English) that promotes awareness and education about the importance of early brain development for the healthy growth and development of infants and young children 0-5 years old.

Topics include:

  • The Basics on Brain Functions and Milestones
  • Nurturing Positive Relationships - Attachment
  • Importance of Play
  • Creating Consistency
  • Buffering the Brain from Toxic Stress
  • Learning a Language
  • The Role of Music

Survive, Strive, Thrive. Positive Parenting & Discipline

Survive, Strive, Thrive will help participants gain confidence in their ability to be a good parent and to gain the skills and attitudes necessary for rearing healthy, positive children. Survive, Strive, Thrive is for parents with children in the age range of 3-16 years old.

  • The Perfect Parent - 8 Parenting Qualities
  • A Reflection of Me: Who Am I? - Identify parenting styles and understand how they influence children’s behavior.
  • Punishment vs. Discipline: Why My Kids Misbehave
  • Prevention Techniques
  • Guidance, Reasonable Consequences


Contact Elizabeth Brunscheen for videos on lessons 3 - 9.

Important Links

Sedgwick County Events

Heatstroke Safety Tips

Coaching our Children for School Success

Contact Information

Have Questions? Contact:

Sedgwick County
Home and Family
7001 W. 21st St. North
Wichita KS 67205-1759
(316) 660-0143
Fax: (316) 660-0166

Elizabeth Brunscheen-Cartagena
Home and Family Agent
(316) 660-0114

Jennifer Exline
FCS Office Professional (316) 660-0143